WBMA 2021 - Call For papers - Chamada de Trabalhos
- 30 de junho de 2021 - Submissão do Resumo e Artigo (full/short)
- 23 de julho de 2021 - Notificação de Aceitação
- 20 de agosto de 2021 - Submissão da Versão Final (Apenas em Inglês)
- 6 a 8 de outubro de 2021 - Apresentação do WBMA durante a Brazil 2021 (Onlinel)
O 11º Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágeis (WBMA 2021) é a trilha de pesquisa da conferência Agile Brasil. O WBMA é um evento acadêmico com foco no desenvolvimento ágil de software. A edição deste ano vem com uma mudança de formato: será online. Nossas edições anteriores receberam um número expressivo de submissões de artigos. Elas também contaram com vários participantes (estudantes, pesquisadores e profissionais) de diferentes países. Esperamos repetir esse sucesso este ano e influenciar ainda mais a integração entre indústria e academia. Acreditamos que essa integração pode criar ideias, oportunidades e inovações para todos os envolvidos.
A última conferência Agile Brasil recebeu mais de 500 participantes de todo o mundo. Este ano, esperamos que o workshop receba ainda mais pesquisadores, alunos e profissionais do Brasil e do exterior. Neste ano, o WBMA 2021 será realizado de 6 a 8 de outubro, online - Brasil. O workshop fará parte da programação da Agile Brazil.
Os principais tópicos de interesse para este workshop são:
- Adoção de Agile / Lean
- Agile / Lean em ambientes distribuídos e grandes equipes
- Ágil no governo
- Práticas ágeis e tendências futuras, evolução e revolução (técnica ou gerencial)
- Princípios Ágeis, Manufatura Enxuta e Outras Disciplinas
- Gerenciamento Ágil de Projetos, Terceirização e Governança no Contexto Ágil
- Teste ágil e qualidade: técnicas, padrões e suporte automatizado
- Estudos Conceituais e Fundamentos Teóricos de Agile / Lean
- Desenvolvimento em equipes ágeis distribuídas e globais
- DevOps e entrega contínua
- Estudos Experimentais com Agile / Lean
- Aspectos humanos e sociais em métodos ágeis
- Agilidade de Inovação e Empreendedorismo
- Startups enxutas
- Gerenciando Dívida Técnica
- Repositórios de métricas, medições e mineração no contexto do Agile
- Transformação Organizacional e Aspectos Culturais em Negócios Ágeis
- Padrões e antipadrões aplicando Agile / Lean
- Problemas de refatoração
- Escalando o Agile para Grandes Corporações
- Arquitetura de Sistemas e Software e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Críticos
- Ensino e Coaching Ágil e Lean
- Ferramentas e técnicas em Agile / Lean
- Ambientes de experiência do usuário (UX) em Agile / Lean
- Funções do usuário (coparticipação)
Os artigos originais devem ser submetidos digitalmente pela Easychair. Os manuscritos devem seguir o modelo Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) - Springer. Os artigos devem ser submetidos em formato PDF. Os artigos podem ser redigidos em português ou inglês. A submissão em inglês é fortemente encorajada, uma vez que os anais do workshop são indexados na Biblioteca Digital CCIS.
Submissão de Artigo Completo
Em submissões de artigos completos, esperamos artigos originais apresentando resultados concluídos. Os artigos completos podem ter entre 12 e 15 páginas, incluindo figuras e bibliografia.
Submissão de Artigo Resumido
Em submissões de artigos resumidos, esperamos:
Adoção de Agile / Lean
Pesquisa em andamento;
Relatos de experiência;
Revisões não sistemáticas da literatura;
Papéis de posição
Os artigos resumidos podem ter entre 6 e 8 páginas, incluindo figuras e bibliografia. Se você é um profissional da indústria e já passou por experiências ágeis inovadoras, você pode enviá-lo em formato acadêmico para compartilhar com outros profissionais e pesquisadores na trilha de Artigos Resumidos. Estamos interessados em todos os tipos de casos - bem-sucedidos ou não.
Os artigos aceitos serão publicados, após a conferência, na Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) - Springer. Esta é a terceira vez que os Anais do WBMA são publicados na Springer, o que dará visibilidade mundial aos pesquisadores apresentados no WBMA 2021.
Co-chairs do Programa:
- Carla Rocha (UnB) - caguiar@unb.br
- Celio Santana (UFPE) - celio.santana@gmail.com
- Fernando de Sá (ITA) - desa@ita.br
- Tiago Silva (UNIFESP)- silvadasilva@gmail.com
11th Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (WBMA) -- Agile Brazil'2021
Online, Brazil, October 06 - 08, 2021
- June 30th, 2021 - Abstract and Paper (full/short) Submission
- July 23rd, 2021 - Acceptance Notification
- August 20th, 2021 - Final Version Submission (in English only)
- October 06th-08th, 2021 - WBMA Presentations at Agile Brazil 2021
(online, Brazil)
The 11th Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (WBMA'2021) is the research
track at the Agile Brazil conference. WBMA is an academic event that
focuses on agile software development. This year's edition comes with a
change in its format: it will be online. Our past editions received an
expressive number of paper submissions. They also featured a number of
attendees (students, researchers, and practitioners) from different
countries. We hope to repeat this success this year and influence even more
the integration between industry and academia. We believe this integration
can create ideas, opportunities, and innovations for all involved.
The last Agile Brazil conference received more than 500 attendees from all
over the world. This year, we expect the workshop to receive even more
researchers, students, and practitioners from Brazil and abroad. This year,
WBMA'2021 will be held on October 06th-08th, online - Brazil. The workshop
will be included in the Agile Brazil schedule.
The main topics of interest to this workshop are:
Adoption of Agile / Lean
Agile / Lean in Distributed Environments and Large Teams
Agile in Government
Agile Practices and Future Trends, Evolution, and Revolution (Technical
or Managerial)
Agile Principles, Lean Manufacturing, and Other Disciplines
Agile Project Management, Outsourcing, and Governance in the Agile
Agile Testing & Quality: Techniques, Patterns, and Automated Support
Conceptual Studies and Theoretical Foundations of Agile / Lean
Development in Distributed and Global Agile Teams
DevOps and Continuous Delivery
Experimental Studies with Agile / Lean
Human and Social Aspects in Agile Methods
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agile
Lean Startups
Managing Technical Debt
Metrics, Measurements and Mining Repositories in the Context of Agile
Organizational Transformation and Cultural Aspects on Agile Business
Patterns and Anti-patterns applying Agile / Lean
Refactoring Issues
Scaling Agile to Large Corporations
Systems and Software Architecture and Development of Critical Systems
Teaching and Coaching Agile and Lean
Tools and Techniques on Agile / Lean
User Experience (UX) Environments on Agile / Lean
User Roles (co-participation)
Original papers should be sent electronically by Easychair (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=11wbma). Manuscripts must follow
Springer template. Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Papers can be
written in Portuguese or English.
Full Paper Submission
In full paper submissions, we expect original papers presenting finished
results. Full papers might have between 12 and 15 pages, including figures
and bibliography.
Short Paper Submission
In short paper submissions, we are expecting:
Research in progress;
Experience reports;
Non-systematic literature reviews; and
Position papers.
Short papers might have between 6 and 8 pages, including figures and
bibliography. If you are an industry practitioner and have passed through
innovative agile experiences, you may submit it in academic format to share
with other practitioners and researchers in the Short Papers track. We are
interested in all types of cases -- either successful or not.
Program Co-chairs:
Co-chairs do Programa::
Carla Rocha (UnB) - caguiar@unb.br
Celio Santana (UFPE) - celio.santana@gmail.com
Fernando de Sá (ITA) - desa@ita.br
Tiago Silva (UNIFESP)- silvadasilva@gmail.com
- August 20th, 2021 - Final Version Submission (in English only)
- October 06th-08th, 2021 - WBMA Presentations at Agile Brazil 2021
(online, Brazil)
The 11th Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (WBMA'2021) is the research
track at the Agile Brazil conference. WBMA is an academic event that
focuses on agile software development. This year's edition comes with a
change in its format: it will be online. Our past editions received an
expressive number of paper submissions. They also featured a number of
attendees (students, researchers, and practitioners) from different
countries. We hope to repeat this success this year and influence even more
the integration between industry and academia. We believe this integration
can create ideas, opportunities, and innovations for all involved.
The last Agile Brazil conference received more than 500 attendees from all
over the world. This year, we expect the workshop to receive even more
researchers, students, and practitioners from Brazil and abroad. This year,
WBMA'2021 will be held on October 06th-08th, online - Brazil. The workshop
will be included in the Agile Brazil schedule.
The main topics of interest to this workshop are:
Adoption of Agile / Lean
Agile / Lean in Distributed Environments and Large Teams
Agile in Government
Agile Practices and Future Trends, Evolution, and Revolution (Technical
or Managerial)
Agile Principles, Lean Manufacturing, and Other Disciplines
Agile Project Management, Outsourcing, and Governance in the Agile
Agile Testing & Quality: Techniques, Patterns, and Automated Support
Conceptual Studies and Theoretical Foundations of Agile / Lean
Development in Distributed and Global Agile Teams
DevOps and Continuous Delivery
Experimental Studies with Agile / Lean
Human and Social Aspects in Agile Methods
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agile
Lean Startups
Managing Technical Debt
Metrics, Measurements and Mining Repositories in the Context of Agile
Organizational Transformation and Cultural Aspects on Agile Business
Patterns and Anti-patterns applying Agile / Lean
Refactoring Issues
Scaling Agile to Large Corporations
Systems and Software Architecture and Development of Critical Systems
Teaching and Coaching Agile and Lean
Tools and Techniques on Agile / Lean
User Experience (UX) Environments on Agile / Lean
User Roles (co-participation)
Original papers should be sent electronically by Easychair (
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=11wbma). Manuscripts must follow
Springer template. Papers should be submitted in PDF format. Papers can be
written in Portuguese or English.
Full Paper Submission
In full paper submissions, we expect original papers presenting finished
results. Full papers might have between 12 and 15 pages, including figures
and bibliography.
Short Paper Submission
In short paper submissions, we are expecting:
Research in progress;
Experience reports;
Non-systematic literature reviews; and
Position papers.
Short papers might have between 6 and 8 pages, including figures and
bibliography. If you are an industry practitioner and have passed through
innovative agile experiences, you may submit it in academic format to share
with other practitioners and researchers in the Short Papers track. We are
interested in all types of cases -- either successful or not.
Program Co-chairs:
Co-chairs do Programa::
Carla Rocha (UnB) - caguiar@unb.br
Celio Santana (UFPE) - celio.santana@gmail.com
Fernando de Sá (ITA) - desa@ita.br
Tiago Silva (UNIFESP)- silvadasilva@gmail.com
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