SBES 2022 - Research Track - Accepted Papers
We worked together from February 17, when the invitations to join our
TPC were sent, to July 11, 2022, when we notified 342 authors about
paper acceptance/rejection (as scheduled).
SBES 2022 - Research Track in a nutshell:
- Two women co-chairing the PC;
- 85 PC members (and several co-reviewers);
- 342 authors;
- 77 valid submissions;
- 234 reviews;
- 482 pre-rebuttal quality check messages;
- 65 authors' rebuttals;
- 442 post-rebuttal discussion messages; and
- 26 accepted papers (34% acceptance rate).
We are grateful for your fantastic work!
We look forward to seeing you at SBES 2022, to be held virtually at the
Brazilian Conference on Software (CBSoft) between October 3 and October
7, 2022.
Our Best Regards,
Christina von Flach (UFBA)
Elisa Nakagawa (ICMC-USP)
PC Chairs - SBES 2022 - Research Track
- Towards Merge Conflict Resolution by Combining Existing Lines of Code
- UX Requirements Matters: Guidelines to Support Software Teams on the Writing of Acceptance Criteria
- A Configurable Test Case Prioritization Technique for Early Fault Detection and Low Test Case Spreading
- Validating an Interactive Ranking Operator for NSGA-II to Support the Optimization of Software Engineering Problems
- Put Your Hands In The Air! Reducing Manual Effort in Mutation Testing
- Flying over Brazilian Organizations with Zeppelin: A Preliminary Panoramic Picture of Continuous Software Engineering
- Towards Mobile UX Evaluation and Improvement in Startups: A Case Study on the Adoption of User Experience Questionnaire and Hierarchical Task Analysis
- Towards a common understanding of sustainable software development
- Perceptions of Technical Debt and its Management Activities - A Survey of Software Practitioners
- PriorTD: A Method for Prioritization Technical Debt
- Use Cases for Software Analytics: A Case Study with One Organization
- The Private Life of Merge Conflicts
- The who, what and how of the current research at the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering
- Detecção de conflitos semânticos via análise estática de substituição de atribuição
- [EN] Smell Patterns as Indicators of Design Degradation: Do Developers Agree?
- Um estudo de caracterização de contribuidores e suas contribuições de teste em projetos open source
- Towards a Fault Taxonomy for Microservices-Based Applications
- A Technique to Test Refactoring Detection Tools
- Desenvolvedores em foco! Análise da Developer Experience em uma ferramenta de modelagem colaborativa
- ICT Practitioners' Perception of Working from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Exploring Gender Differences
- Machine Learning for Change-Prone Class Prediction: A History-Based Approach
- Assessing the Impact of Code Samples Evolution on Developers' Questions
- Entendendo as relações entre as percepções do burnout e da instabilidade na Engenharia de Software
- Uma Década de Internacionalização do SBES: O Bom, O Mau, e O Feio
- Benefits and Difficulties of Gender Diversity on Software Development Teams: A Qualitative Study
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